In short, pre-nuptial agreements reflect a new cultural norm of disposability,” states Trope. Summary:Millennials have started taking part in pre-nuptial agreements, a growing trend versus older generations, according to attorney Konrad Trope According to Konrad Trope of Trope Law Group, pre-nuptial agreements are becoming far more acceptable with today’s millennialsRead More →

The two most painful things in my life are arthritis and joint pains. Summary:Recently had a surgery and your surgeon advised a cold therapy treatment. Check out which product is best suited for you. Pain is the only thing that never leaves us and makes our life agonising. There areRead More →

The number one reason why [this show] was created was the hope that it could offer people experiencing bereavement some measure of peace or consolation. Summary:Features Thirty-One Leading Psychologists, Doctors, Psychic Mediums, Scientists, NDE Survivors, Spiritual Teachers & Atheists National Radio Program Proves The Existence of Life After Death ShowRead More →

“This is very exciting for me,” Martine says. “It’s a good way for me to introduce more readers to my work.” Summary:YA Reads Book Review Blog Tour features Martine Lewis’s debut novel Houston, TX: The upcoming YaReads Blog Tours book review tour features Martine Lewis’ debut novel, Crossing the Barrier.Read More →